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  • What are the After School Program hours?
    Program hours are from school dismissal until 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. Extended Stay is available up to 6:00 p.m for an additional fee. After 4:00 p.m., Extended day students will participate in free play or table games until picked up.
  • Where is the program located?
    The AS Program is located in the PS101Q school building.
  • Where is the pick up location?
    PS101Q Main Entrance, starting at 3:50 p.m.
  • Can my child go home on their own?
    A student can self dismiss at their designated pick up time with written permission from their parent or guardian. Permission must include date, child’s name, grade, signature, day/days and time that the students can leave the after school program.
  • Is there bus service?
    There is no bus service for the After School Program. All students must be picked up at the PS101Q main entrance or self-dismissed with written permission.
  • Who are the teachers and coaches?
    Our teachers and coaches are a mix of PS101Q school day teachers and professional instructors supplied by our partner vendors.
  • Can I send snacks or food with my child for after school?
    Yes. Please send snacks/food in a separate bag labeled with the child’s name and “AS Program Snack”. No glass containers.
  • What do I do if my child comes home without a book or personal property?
    The After School program is not responsible for item misplaced during the day or in After School. All items with names will be returned to the student. All items found will be placed in the lost and found area at the end of the day.
  • How do I register for a program?
    Fall registration begins on August 20th at 12:30 p.m. Registration for all PS101Q after school programs is online only and on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Do I need to create an account on Amilia before registering for the After School classes?
    If you do not already have an account on our registration portal (Amilia), you will be prompted to create one during registration.
  • What if my child's first choice class is full? Is there a waitlist?
    The child MUST be registered for an activity to attend the program. Please register your child for their next choice if their first is “Full”. Each activity has a maximum capacity based on activity, student/instructor ratio and room size. Once maximum class size is reached, a waitlist is available but it does not guarantee a spot for that class. We will contact you via email if a spot becomes available.
  • How do I know which activities are appropriate for my child?
    The activities are listed by grade level and include a detailed description. Please refer to Class Details on our site.
  • How often do activities meet?
    Please refer to the Weekly Activity Schedule at Each class will meet on the same day of the week for the entire semester.
  • Can I send my child one week and not the following week?
    Registration for an activity is for the entire semester. There are no credits, refunds or make-ups for missed days. For after school attendance on an as-needed basis, we offer a Single Day/Drop-in Option. Consult our Program Guide for more information.
  • What is the refund policy?
    Requests for refunds must be submitted via email to and will be granted according to the following schedule:
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